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: HIPHOPBATTLE.COM is a website where hip hop artist of all kinds (esp. underground and unknown artists) compete against one another, with the ultimate judge being the people of the world.

Mission : To create a forum for undiscovered artist to compete and receive feedback on their craft. Furthermore, HIPHOPBATTLE.COM will be the place for professional artist to solve their battles, feuds, and disagreements peacefully.

Rules : HIPHOPBATTLE.COM is designed for the youth of today to receive exposure. We do not support any types of profanity, or obscene hip-hop art. If you are not sure what is appropriate, send it in anyway and let the webmasters decide. would like to give shouts to Bertha Stewart, Tony Lumpkin, Clarence Gaines AkA NRG, Raymond S. Brown III, Colin Toke, Jae B., Paulie Rhyme, Mike, Whit, Andrew, Kitao, JDT, Crazy Jay, Ray, Aaron, Kiet, Angelo, Angela, Tony, Qwazymoto, Brian, Scott, Brandon, Antonio, T. Swoope, Kenny, Shawn B, & Alex.